Hello, my name is Jess and I am doing A-Level media.
The reason why I chose media was because I am interested in an acting and journalism career! I want to learn what happens behind the scenes with cameras and get a bigger picture of the film industry.
What other subjects are you studying?
The other subjects I am studying are Theatre Studies, English Language and Psychology.
Whos is your favourite band(s)/artist(s) and why?
At the moment my two favourite bands are 'The Midnight Beast' and 'Two Door Cinema Club'. I like The Midnight Beast because they are a comedy band, and admittedly quite good looking! I like Two Door purely because I enjoy their music. I also love The Killers they are probably one of my all time favourite bands especially the song Mr Brightside. My favourite artist has got to be Beyonce she is just such an amazing woman, and her music is pretty good to!

What are your favourite TV programmes?
Currently my favourite programmes have got to be Beaver Falls, Dirty Sexy Things and ofcourse Celebrity Juice. Celebrity juice ofcourse has Keith Lemon and he is just hilarious! I am not really a person who is glued to the TV 24/7 but if something is on that takes my fancy I will watch it!
What is your favourite film? Who is your favourite director?
This is a tricky one for me because I love a good movie, I am a fan of nearly all genre's although I am not so good when it comes to scary movies.Two of my favourites are firstly Breakfast at Tiffany's this is because Audrey Hepburn is one of my idols, also I love the fact it is old fashioned and it doesn't involve any CGI's like nowadays! Another movie is 500 Days of Summer, I'm not sure why I am so fond of it, its not really a love story its more of a feel good sort of movie. I like the way it is filmed, one of my favourite scenes has to be the split scene... (the first 51 seconds of the video)
What is your favourite film? Who is your favourite director?
This is a tricky one for me because I love a good movie, I am a fan of nearly all genre's although I am not so good when it comes to scary movies.Two of my favourites are firstly Breakfast at Tiffany's this is because Audrey Hepburn is one of my idols, also I love the fact it is old fashioned and it doesn't involve any CGI's like nowadays! Another movie is 500 Days of Summer, I'm not sure why I am so fond of it, its not really a love story its more of a feel good sort of movie. I like the way it is filmed, one of my favourite scenes has to be the split scene... (the first 51 seconds of the video)
What magazines do you read?
Normally I can read any magazine, unless its 'Mens Health' or just a mens mag in general! The ones I am most likely to pick up off the shelf would be 'Company' and 'Cosmopolitan'. Yes, they are girlie, but I like them, especially the gossipy sections!
What websites do you read?
I am admittedly more of a social net worker when it comes to me being on the computer. But I am also a lover of blogs, I read a variety of different blogs because I am interested in people and what they have to say. Occasionally when I am really bored I do tend to end up on heat world and I also use IMDB when looking for a new film to watch. http://www.imdb.com/.
So finally I have finished my first post! Happy new blog day! :)
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