Today we finally finished our title logo! It took a couple of stages and we have yet to chose a background to put it on! Here's the different stages we went through...
This was the first draft I made on paint, really it was just an experiment but all three of us agreed that if we cleaned it up and used photoshop, it could actually look quite effective! I thought that the contrasts of the font could show the boy and girl protagonists.
As all our other titles are written on objects we decided, to keep the consistency , we would like our title to look as if it had been written. To do this someone suggested we draw it out first, take a photo and edit it on photoshop. This is the drawing that Zoe did, she roughly stuck to my first draft but experimented with different hearts. We liked the heart in the trunk and the heart instead of a dot on the i in 'juice'. The feet on the elephant also looked better than before hand, as in the pic before it looked like bubbles!
Me and Effie thought that the 'juice' in the drawing didnt look elegant enough to contrast the 'elephant'. She decided to make it less elephant and more elegant by re-drawing it using photo shop. We took some more 'inspiration' from my a simple writing as follows (the top drawing) : |

However, after Effie had completed the photo shopped version I was playing around on my brothers iPad, and found an app called '58 paper' I really liked the effect the pen had so therefore tried out 'juice'...
I think that this 'juice' is pretty effective and will therefore show Effie and Zo and see if they agree. I think that it has the elegant look we were wanting. We might need to make it bolder for it too stand out from the background.
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